PSA’s Patty Rash: The Admin Who Keeps Our Offices Buzzing

Meet Patty Rash, admin at our Newark and Middletown offices. Since joining us in December 2001, Patty has quietly excelled in her role supporting the daily operations of listings and sales alongside her admin partner, Nancy Colligan. Patty’s commitment to the real estate process and her colleagues is evident in everything she does. Join us as we chat with Patty about her love for real estate and what keeps her grounded at Patterson-Schwartz.

How did you choose your career in real estate?

I have always been interested in houses and I knew I could not be an agent, so the next best job would be to work in-house as the administrative assistant. I still get to be involved in the process of listing the house in the MLS and processing the sale all the way to settlement. It still gives me the satisfaction of the real estate business that I was looking for.

What do you love about your job?

I love to come to work every day. The agents and staff are my family and friends. Everyone works together for the same goal to help the sellers and buyers in their most important transaction in their life. It makes me happy when a new sale or listing is turned in to me. It’s like I am a big part of everything going on and I get to help make it a little easier on the agent to do what they should be doing—taking care of the clients.

What keeps you at PSA?

That is an easy answer: the company values! Charlie Schwartz, Joe Pluscht, Chris Cashman, and Dave Watlington are part of my managerial team and they are great managers to work with. They ask for your opinion and they are so easy to approach to answer any question you have.

The agents are a bigger part of my interaction on a daily basis and we treat each other like a working family. There is respect and appreciation among the staff and the agents that is none like I have had in any other career.

Patterson-Schwartz has been a very good company to work for and I will finish my career here upon retirement. 

What do you do in your spare time?

My spare time is filled with taking good care of a Goldendoodle we adopted in February 2023. Luna is a sweet pup, but it felt like having a newborn in the beginning! She is becoming a good girl, but it has been a real struggle. The only time I have away from her is coming to work every week day. My work family is so less stressful than my time at home with her.

My husband, Dave, and I enjoy working in the yard. My favorite pastime is watching Netflix series while sitting on the beautiful deck he built for me; it is my oasis. We will have been married for 45 years in September. We love to go on cruises as many times a year as we can afford.

Discover the heart of Patterson-Schwartz through Patty’s story—a testament to dedication and community spirit. Her quiet expertise and unwavering support for our team and clients exemplify the values that define us. Patty’s journey highlights our commitment to excellence and camaraderie, setting us apart as a cherished community and a great place to grow your career in real estate.

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From Keyboard to Key Player: Izetta Hackett’s PSA Journey

Meet Izetta Hackett, a cornerstone of PSA’s accounting department for the past 38 years. From her beginnings as a Computer Operator in the mid-80s at our Wilmington office to her current role overseeing many crucial accounting and HR processes, Izetta’s journey reflects dedication and growth. Her steadfast commitment has not only shaped her career but has also left an enduring impact on PSA’s evolution. Join us as we explore Izetta’s experiences, her unwavering dedication to PSA, and what inspires her to continue contributing to our community and success.

How long have you been at PSA? How did you grow with the company?

I have been with the company for 38 years. I have been able to grow with the company’s accounting department and its innovative technology.

My journey began in the mid-80s at the Wilmington office at 913 Delaware Avenue. I was hired as a Computer Operator in the Data Processing Department under the Accounting Department. My responsibilities included data entry and processing across all of the company’s departments. I also operated several IBM mainframe systems and all its peripheral equipment. Technology hadn’t evolved to where it is today so we needed two computer operators and five accountants.

I briefly left PSA to seek new and exciting opportunities, as many do in their 20s, and, when that didn’t work out, I mailed my resume in response to a job ad at an unidentified PO Box that turned out to belong to Patterson-Schwartz… for the same role I’d vacated two years prior. Joe Pluscht, then CFO, was thrilled to welcome me back. I did not realize how much PSA meant to me until I returned!

Over time, I added the roles of Personnel Administrator and Accounts Payable Coordinator to my General Accounting duties, which also encompass HR (benefits/payroll), credit card processing, and on/off-boarding within the accounting system. Joining (IAPP) International Accounts Payable Professionals allows me to network with other A/P professionals from different companies and share ideas on how to streamline the A/P platform. This organization gave me the tools and knowledge to implement changes within my day-to-day operations.

What keeps you here?

My PSA family, positive company culture, growth, and development keeps me here. The company’s commitment, dedication, and loyalty to its clients is something that cannot be replaced. My supportive leadership is what keeps me at PSA.

I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked alongside PSA founders: William Patterson, Sr., and Charles Schwartz, Sr. I want to give a huge “thank you” to our PSA leadership over the years: Joe Pluscht, Charlie Schwartz, and Richard Christopher. My journey has been nothing but amazing, and I will never forget the wonderful people and memories made here at PSA.

What does PSA mean to you?

When I hear PSA, I think of perseverance. During the housing market crash in 2008, PSA continued to be independent and remained strong throughout the challenges. As the #1 independent real estate company in Delaware, PSA is a symbol of strength—and that means the world to me.

Looking back over my 38 years, I am the only original member of the accounting department. I give my thanks to Joe Pluscht for giving me the opportunity to return to PSA and to see such a stellar organization grow over the decades and be part of the innovative change has brought value to my career.

What is your key to success?

Remain humble, faithful, persistent, motivated, and loyal to all. Kindness and respect are my keys to success.

Do you have a motto that you follow?

I have three, all about teamwork.

1) Teamwork makes the dream work!

2) Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.

3) Coming together is beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.

How do you like to spend a relaxing day?

I like to relax by spending quality time with my family and friends and grand-dog, Ziggy. I also love to travel, enjoy jazz concerts, and live life to the fullest!

Izetta Hackett’s nearly four decades at PSA exemplify the essence of the PSA family: growth, community, teamwork, and resilience. From her early days as a Computer Operator to her current role managing HR, Accounts Payable, and more, Izetta’s journey has significantly shaped our company’s evolution. Her story underscores the opportunities for professional development within a supportive community that defines PSA. If you’re inspired by Izetta’s journey and interested in joining a team where commitment and innovation thrive, explore opportunities with us today. Let’s continue to build success together at PSA!

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Meet Sue Kennedy: A Pioneer In Real Estate Tech

Introducing Sue Kennedy, an integral part of the PSA family for an incredible 42 years! From her early days at the reception desk to her pivotal role in shaping PSA’s technological landscape, Sue’s career is nothing short of remarkable. Join us as we explore her passion for growth and innovation that brings the best tech solutions to our team!

How did you get started at PSA?

I started as a part-time receptionist in the Newark office in 1982 — 42 years ago this August. A couple of years later, I became the admin for the Land and Farm Division. When the advertising department needed assistance to bring their new computerized advertising system online, I was asked to help with that while continuing to work with the Land & Farm agents.

You’ve been at PSA for four decades! How has your role evolved since joining PSA?

In 1991, I helped to implement the Real Estate Hotline. I oversaw the installation of the system and set up procedures for having professional voice talent record a “talking ad” for every one of our listings. I managed that system from its introduction in 1992 until 1995 when I moved to the technology department.

I supported our in-house computerized listing management system, the physical computers in the offices, and each office’s computer/network infrastructure.  When the decision was made to take our listing system onto the “World Wide Web”, I worked on the development and implementation of our first version of PS@net. Our intranet was introduced to the agents in the fall of 1998 — 25 years ago! It has changed over the years and is still going strong!  I was also involved in the development and implementation of our public facing website as well –

I continue to oversee the ongoing development of PS@net, provide technology support for our agents, and work on vetting/implementing new technology tools for our agents. With that, no two days are the same. I have seen so many changes in the way business is conducted in real estate. From physical multi-list books updated every two weeks to instant updates for all listings online.

Tell us what you love about your job and why. What excites you about the business?

I have been given the opportunity to learn so much over the years working for PSA. I was able to grow and develop in new areas that interested me. I love the varied nature of what I do. I can be vetting new technologies, managing help-desk requests, or teaching a class on the tools/technology we have available. All on the same day!

I always feel like my input is wanted and valued.

What do you do when you’re not at the office?

I enjoy sailing on Chesapeake Bay, reading, and spending time with my husband, four girls, and three grandkids.

Ready to grow with us?

Sue Kennedy embodies the innovation and adaptability inherent in our people-centric, tech-forward culture. With over four decades of pioneering solutions, whether in professional development or technological advancements, she ensures PSA remains at the forefront of industry standards. Her unwavering commitment to continual growth sets a high bar for all. If you’re looking for a workplace where your talents are celebrated and innovation thrives, Patterson-Schwartz could be your new home. Join us in shaping the real estate market and discover the endless possibilities that await!

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Thriving in Real Estate: Why Our Successful Start Training Program Works

Are you considering a career in real estate or just starting out in the industry? With the market constantly evolving, it’s crucial to equip yourself with the right knowledge and skills to thrive. At Patterson-Schwartz, we understand the challenges new agents face, which is why we’ve developed our Successful Start program to set you up for success from day one.

Since our winter 2022 session, our Successful Start agents have facilitated over 115 transactions, totaling an astounding $45,616,846 in volume. These numbers speak volumes about the effectiveness of our training and the productivity of our agents in a competitive market

But what sets our program apart? Let’s dive into the specifics.

Firstly, our instructors are not only knowledgeable but also experienced professionals who have navigated the intricacies of the real estate industry for decades. They provide invaluable insights and practical tips that you can immediately apply to your business. As Christine Menozzi from Hockessin attests, “The presenters shared a wealth of information on various topics, providing essential insights for new agents as we navigate our new roles.”

Secondly, our program goes beyond traditional classroom learning. We reinforce what you learned in pre-licensing while expanding your experience and confidence so that your clients have the most educated and prepared agent possible. Leah Sharpe from Rehoboth Beach highlights this, stating, “What sets this program apart is its hands-on approach and real-world simulations, which allowed me to gain practical experience and build confidence.”

Furthermore, our support doesn’t end with the training sessions. Our office managers, administrative teams, and PSA peers are here to provide ongoing guidance and support as you embark on your real estate journey. As Rich Navarro from Newark shares, “As a new agent, I found the Successful Start program to be a great resource and solid foundation to start my business.”

In a market where many agents are struggling, our program equips you with the tools and resources needed to stand out and succeed. As Caroline Wellford from Greenville expresses, “With the ongoing and in-depth support of the leadership team, marketing, education, technology, admin, and years of proven ‘Patterson-Schwartz professionalism,’ one can feel confident they are with a first-class company.”

Ready to Get Started?

Whether you’re considering real estate as a career or you’re already in the field with a few years of experience, our Successful Start program is designed to elevate your career to new heights. Join us and experience the Patterson-Schwartz difference today!

For more information about our training program and how you can get started, contact us today. Your success starts here!

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Behind The Scenes: Sheri Kohl’s Role in Patterson-Schwartz’s Success

Introducing Sheri Kohl, our in-house direct mail expert and a steadfast presence at Patterson-Schwartz for two decades! From witnessing the company’s evolution amidst technological shifts to embracing the ethos of flexibility and adaptability, Sheri’s journey reflects both the resilience of the organization and her personal commitment to growth. But what truly sets Sheri apart? Join us as we sit down with her for an insightful Q&A session, where she shares her experiences, values, and the secrets to thriving in an ever-changing environment.

How long have you been at PSA? How did you grow with the company?

I provide support for all agents who want to market themselves by sending out postcards, letters, flyers, and other mailed materials. I help guide them so they can get the best results from partnering with the Business Mail Center.

I have been with Patterson-Schwartz for 20 years this March. When I first joined the team, there were five people. With the advancement of technology over those years, our department was streamlined and here I am!

I have seen Patterson-Schwartz go through many changes and I am happy that I have been here to see the company grow and thrive — even through the hard times. There is a great foundation here and it continues to hold up this real estate institution!

What keeps you here?

Since I am a shy person, I appreciate the familiarity and the people here. I can be my authentic self without fear of repercussions. I like being treated with respect and trust by my co-workers and management. Here at PSA, we all know each other on a first-name basis from the president on down. I like that a lot — it makes for a comfortable working environment.

Growth and education, while challenging at times, is something else I like about working here.

Do you have a motto that guides you?

Blessed are the flexible, for they shall not get bent out of shape.”

Learning how to be flexible is one of the most important things any of us can learn. The younger you learn it, the better your life will be. Change is hard, but sometimes we cannot escape it. The ability to be flexible improves your health and mental focus.

I feel I am very flexible as my workspace has been relocated four times during my time here! LOL!

By being adaptable to change, accommodating to requests, and open-minded to new ideas, we enjoy a more positive, productive work environment and people feel valued when the work feels more meaningful.

What are your greatest strengths?

I believe that my patience and ability to listen well help me in my job. I like to see people succeed and I do my best to help them on that path when they come to me. I try to encourage and help agents along on their self-marketing journey. The Business Mail Center offers a more personal touch to agents that want to reach out to potential/past clients via tangible advertising, like holding a postcard and seeing a face.

I am the happiest at work when an agent stops by to tell me they have gotten business from a mailing!

What is your favorite room in your home?

Go ask Geri Parisi how important the kitchen is! She was my agent when I bought my home, and the kitchen was the selling point!

The kitchen has always been an important part of my life. The kitchen is the best place to gather with family and friends. It is where I learned how to cook. It is where some of the best family stories are told. Also, some of the most interesting family secrets as well.

Our kitchen is where we start every day getting coffee and waking up. On the weekends, it is the best place for all kinds of good breakfasts and wonderful smells. We chat in the kitchen every evening and talk about the days we had. The best light is in the kitchen and we enjoy working on our Kindness Rocks on the kitchen table.

Holidays are the BEST, especially Thanksgiving! There is nothing quite like the family pulling in chairs to sit and laugh and help with the food preparations. Our kitchen gets full to bursting with all the love and happiness during that week in November.

How do you like to spend a relaxing day?

I enjoy taking walks with my pup, Blu, and my wife, Deb. We also spend time working on Kindness Rocks and then hiding them around the Riverfront. I like to sit down with a good book or get my hands dirty in the garden. We enjoy working around our home and have had some fun times doing tie dye and other projects. We are sports fans at our home and get loud watching WNBA and Eagles games! I do my best to enjoy every minute and make memories whenever I can.

Ready to grow with us?

Sheri Kohl, a cornerstone of the Business Mail Center at Patterson-Schwartz for two decades, provides not only essential support but also serves as a beacon of adaptability and resilience amidst the company’s evolution. Her belief in the power of flexibility, both professionally and personally, underscores her approach to navigating inevitable change with grace. Inspired by Sheri’s journey and the inclusive culture she thrives in? Explore career opportunities with Patterson-Schwartz and be part of a team that values growth, camaraderie, and individual contributions.

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Terri Wamba is Right at Home at PSA

Meet Terri Wamba, Admin Manager in our Hockessin Office Sales Center. Hailing from a customer service background, Terri thrives on tending to the details of our agents’ listings and sales. Her role as an admin brings her joy, as each completed task is a testament to her dedication and a source of personal accomplishment. She’s the friendly face welcoming you to the office and working behind the scenes at every Hockessin potluck. Let’s dive deeper into her journey and experiences at PSA!

What brought you to PSA? How did you grow with the company?

In 2003, my family was transferred from sunny California for Delaware, and that’s when I joined the Patterson-Schwartz family as an agent’s assistant. To help out, I obtained my real estate license to host open houses and handle office tasks.

I loved the industry, but soon realized I was a natural at behind-the-scenes work—inputting listings, writing remarks, mailings, you name it. I was approached about helping out as a weekend receptionist which evolved into helping the Hockessin admin team in the afternoons and eventually turned into a full-time gig.

This role fits me like a glove. The regular hours, diverse tasks, and logical progression of work are right up my alley. Plus, hearing tales of the agents’ wild transactions made me value the calm rhythm of my job. It’s been a fantastic journey and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

What were the early influences that shaped your work ethic?

My first two jobs, McDonalds and Disneyland in the 70s, were with companies who had high standards of customer service which molded my attitude toward the customer or guest experience. Now, I strive to bring the best attitude and same attention to the work I do for our Hockessin agents. 

What sets PSA apart as a company? How would you describe the culture?

I feel right at home here. It’s the perfect fit with everyone committed to providing the best home buying or selling experiences. The collaborative culture here is felt every day, with departments working together for the betterment of each other, the agents, and our clients. It adds to my enthusiasm each day! I appreciate that our company’s standard of service encourages all of us to seek a positive outcome.

What do you do when you’re not at the office?

I spend most of my free time connecting with family near and far. I’m grateful for modern technology that makes connecting easier. Whenever schedules align, my husband of 41 years and I take to the road; whether it’s to visit our parents in California or our kids and grandchildren in Maine, Maryland, or our own home sweet home, Delaware.

Ready to grow with us?

Terri’s story, from agent’s assistant to Admin Manager, is a testament to Patterson-Schwartz’s belief in nurturing talent and fostering growth. Her love for her role, commitment to exceptional customer service, and excitement about our collaborative culture truly encapsulate the spirit of PSA. If you’re captivated by her journey and aspire to be part of a team that truly values its members, we invite you to explore a career with Patterson-Schwartz. Let’s start a conversation about your future today!

Welcome to the Family: Patterson-Schwartz & Pike Creek Mortgage Join Forces

We are thrilled to announce an exciting partnership that will enhance the way local families achieve their dream of homeownership. Patterson-Schwartz, a trusted name in the real estate industry, has partnered with Pike Creek Mortgage, the largest independent mortgage lender in Delaware, to provide unparalleled service and support to our clients.

Joe DiEmidio, Pike Creek Mortgage Vice President (center), greets the crowd at PSA Greenville.

Like-Minded Companies

Pike Creek Mortgage Services, Inc. is not just any mortgage lender; they have been fulfilling homeownership dreams for 30 years. With a strong commitment to the local community, Pike Creek Mortgage offers a wide range of loan products and down payment assistance programs tailored to your specific mortgage needs. Their dedication to open communication ensures a seamless and enjoyable mortgage experience from application to closing.

Jason Giles of Patterson-Schwartz shared his thoughts on the partnership, saying, “It’s amazing how like-minded our companies really are. In addition to being truly local, I’m amazed at the similarities in our culture and transparent style in which Pike Creek does business. They always put the customer first and work tirelessly to make buying a home seamless. This is a partnership that will benefit our clients for years to come.”

A Powerful Partnership

Pike Creek Mortgage is equally enthusiastic about the collaboration. Joe DiEmidio, Vice President, stated, “Pike Creek Mortgage is excited to service our local real estate market in partnership with Patterson-Schwartz. Our company’s foundation, culture, and goals align with the Patterson-Schwartz brand. We understand the importance of being local, something that resonates deeply with Patterson-Schwartz. We anticipate our partnership to be beneficial to our mutual clients, not just in 2024, but for many successful years to come.”

This partnership is more than just a collaboration; it’s a commitment to our community. Together, we will leverage our combined strengths to provide exceptional service to local homebuyers and contribute positively to the local housing market. Join us in extending a warm welcome to Pike Creek Mortgage as they become an integral part of the Patterson-Schwartz family. Let’s make homeownership dreams a reality!

About Us

Patterson-Schwartz Real Estate is Delaware’s largest independent real estate brokerage and offers a full range of services that include residential home sales, purchase and rental, relocation services, and property management. We’ve been guiding home buyers and sellers since 1961, and invite you to connect with us when you’re ready to partner with a local real estate expert.

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By the Numbers: 2023 Year in Review at Patterson-Schwartz

As we reflect on 2023, we celebrate a year of tremendous growth, achievements, and milestones for our company. From welcoming new talent, celebrating anniversaries, and fostering education to better equip our agents and living our values by giving back to the community, we had an eventful year! Join us as we explore the numbers and stories that shaped 2023. 

In a grand style, we enthusiastically embraced our 72 new agents, igniting a buzz of excitement with 2,045 Likes and 874 Comments on our social media pages! Among this exceptional group, 33 experienced or returning agents made the decision to align with us, solidifying our status as the preferred destination for top talent in our marketplace.

But it’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the quality of our who’s here: 19 experienced agents chose to align with us, and we couldn’t be prouder!

This year’s 114 honorees counted 1,105 years of experience among them. Their dedication and commitment to PSA were met with an outpouring of support, garnering 1,348 Likes and 242 Comments on our social media pages.

PSA agents scooped up 2,421 hours of Continuing Education through PSA’s internal courses. That gets our agents even closer to renewing their licenses in 2024! 

Forty-two newly hired agents across 90% of our offices engaged 1,890 hours in new agent training. That’s 78.75 straight days! 

We’re immensely proud of our commitment to giving back. In 2023 we exemplified #PSAgivesback and #WeAreLocal through the PSA Foundation by supporting 40 different charities, and bringing our contributions to a total of almost $1.44 Million since the Foundation’s inception.

PSA agents and employees mixed and mingled all year long at our Mid-Month Mixers – a series of five fun-filled networking events across the state that brought together our PSA family and business partners along with local real estate industry professionals.

The Realty Alliance honored 82 of our agents and teams for their outstanding sales stats! They made us proud by representing all nine of our offices! 

Our own awards for excellence in sales and reputation, Top Producer and Five-Star Agent, were earned by 175 and 239 unique agents and teams, respectively. Way to go! 

Moving Forward with Gratitude

As we conclude our 2023 statistics review, we’re deeply thankful for the people behind our success. These numbers not only represent the PSA family’s unwavering dedication but also underscore the trust and collaboration that define our shared vision. Our agents bring dreams to life, guiding their clients through every step of their journey. To our valued customers and clients, you’re at the heart of this success, and we’re committed to exceeding your expectations in the coming year. 

To our dedicated agents and employees, you are the driving force behind our achievements. Your passion, expertise, and commitment to excellence set us apart in our local and national markets. As we look ahead to 2024, we’re excited to build on these accomplishments and reach even greater heights together. Thank you all for being an integral part of our journey, and here’s to a year filled with endless possibilities and even brighter horizons!

About Us

Patterson-Schwartz Real Estate is Delaware’s largest independent real estate brokerage and offers a full range of services that include residential home sales, purchase and rental, relocation services, and property management. We’ve been guiding home buyers and sellers since 1961, and invite you to connect with us when you’re ready to partner with a local real estate expert.

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Building a Legacy: Chris Cashman’s Impact on the Real Estate Industry

Introducing a real estate dynamo you’ll want to know: Chris Cashman, our Sales Manager at the Newark office. He’s no ordinary leader; he’s a seasoned pro deeply devoted to both his career and community. With roots in real estate since 1989 and a steadfast presence at Patterson-Schwartz since 1993, Chris holds real estate licenses in three states (DE, PA, & MD), showcasing his extensive regional expertise. Beyond his leadership at the local Boards of REALTORS®, Chris actively shapes the future of PSA by mentoring and supporting emerging talent. Join us as we chat with Chris and uncover why he’s an invaluable asset to PSA and a true luminary in real estate.

Why did you choose PSA?

I started my real estate career with a local competitor. During my tenure with that company, they sold to a larger, regional company. I was the top-selling agent in my office, but I wanted to be better. I looked around at the alternatives and I saw that Patterson-Schwartz agents were more productive than the agents at other companies in the market. So, five years into my career, I chose to join Patterson-Schwartz. It’s been a great decision because of our local focus, family atmosphere, and “exceeding expectations” mentality.

How long have you been with the company?  How did you grow with the company?

This December marks 30 years at Patterson-Schwartz. It’s not unusual for agents and employees to stay at Patterson-Schwartz for their entire careers. Nancy Colligan, Newark office admin, and Jack Teague, a Newark office agent and former manager, have been with the company for decades. Nancy and Jack are just two examples. It’s a testament to the company culture that people don’t want to leave.

I’m very lucky to have been chosen in 1995 to lead the Glasgow office, which has since been merged into Newark. For 28 years, I have been a member of the Leadership Team and am now a member of the Board of Directors. 

What do you love about your job?

I love to help our agents become successful. Whether group training in Successful Start or one-on-one sessions, I enjoy the interaction with the agents and seeing them get better. It is very satisfying to see an agent get better every year and prosper in the real estate business. I’m very proud to have hired and trained Dave Watlington, Angela Allen, and Amber Durand – who are all members of the PSA Leadership Team now. I love my daily interactions with all the agents and the staff. We are very lucky to have a family atmosphere at Patterson-Schwartz.

What role does community service play in your life?

My engagement in the real estate industry – serving on the Professional Standards Committee for the Cecil County Board of REALTORS® and previously for the New Castle County Board of REALTORS® – is an extension of my deep involvement in my local community. As a resident of New Castle, I served as the President of the New Castle Public Library for many years. Currently, I play an active role on the Executive Committee of the New Castle Historical Society. My dedication to community service has been recognized with the Community Service Award by the Cecil County Board of REALTORS® in 2010 and the Mel Stout Ethics Award from the New Castle County Board of REALTORS® in 2021.

How do you spend a relaxing day?

My idea of a relaxing day is sitting on Dewey Beach with my wife, Marybeth. Then a few crushes, a nice dinner, and some live music with friends makes for a perfect day.

If I’m not at the beach, I like to spend time with my two granddaughters and grandson. I love to see them having a great time and enjoying life as only a child can do.

Ready to grow with us?

Chris Cashman epitomizes the spirit of Patterson-Schwartz—a dedicated leader whose journey has enriched both our company and the communities we serve. With an impressive 30-year tenure at PSA, he embodies the unwavering loyalty and commitment that define our organization. Chris is not just a Sales Manager; he’s also a mentor, a community builder, and a driving force behind our “exceeding expectations” mentality. If you’re intrigued by how you’ll be supported beyond your expectations, we’d love to chat with you about a career with Patterson-Schwartz!

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Transform Your Rental Property Experience with Patterson-Schwartz

When you think of managing a rental, do words like ‘stress’, ‘complexity’, or ‘headache’ come to mind? At Patterson-Schwartz, we’re all about transforming your rental property experience from a burden to a breeze!

Turn Troubles into Triumphs

Property management can come with its fair share of pitfalls. From settling tenant disputes to addressing those pesky midnight maintenance requests, these tasks can leave even the most resilient landlords reaching for the aspirin. But what if we told you there’s a better way?

At Patterson-Schwartz, we’re not just property managers – we’re problem solvers. Our team of seasoned experts is always ready to jump into action to resolve conflicts, handle repairs, and make your life as a landlord easy and enjoyable.

Compliance? Consider It Done!

Rules and regulations? Yes, they can be as fun as a root canal. But they’re an essential part of managing a rental property. Whether you’re trying to navigate the complexities of local housing codes or wondering if you’re meeting all state requirements, it can be a labyrinth of legalities.

But don’t stress – we’ve got your back. Our team stays up-to-date with all the latest regulations and ensures your property is always in compliance. Think of us as your personal regulatory navigators, steering you clear of any legal icebergs!

Maintenance Madness No More

Is your phone ringing off the hook with tenant requests for repairs? Or perhaps the fear of that call interrupts your peaceful slumber?

Say goodbye to maintenance nightmares. Patterson-Schwartz leaps into action, coordinating and addressing all maintenance requests promptly and professionally. Sleep easy knowing we’ve got it handled!

A Truly Transformative Experience

Here at Patterson-Schwartz, we believe owning a rental property should be a joy, not a job. Our mission is to transform your property management experience into something you look forward to, not dread. We turn the typical trials and tribulations of property management into positive, transformative experiences.

So, whether you’re a first-time landlord or a seasoned property owner, let Patterson-Schwartz reinvent your rental property experience. We’ll help you turn the everyday hassles into extraordinary experiences. Ready for a change? Let’s make property management a breeze!

About Us

Patterson-Schwartz has helped homeowners manage their properties since 1977 and has earned a reputation for professionalism. We offer professional property management throughout Delaware and nearby communities in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Landlords may choose Full-Management, Non-Management, or the Landlord Assistance Program. Whether you are considering renting out your primary residence or seeking assistance with your investment portfolio, we offer service levels to fit your needs. Reach out today to get started!

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